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Business Consulting

Ready for some Clarity?

If you’re struggling to move forward with your business and need to get clarity, Toby is your guy:

Whether it's about strategy, marketing or roadblocks, Toby’s got a passion for giving you clarity when you can’t crack the problem you're currently facing.


When you sit down for a consulting session with Toby, you’ll feel heard and he’ll quickly articulate the feelings and struggles you’re experiencing. Then, with good questions and conversation, you’ll identify tactics and ideas to help get past that specific hurdle (fact: it’s usually not the hurdle you initially thought it was!).

Toby James - Cat's Cove Communications.j

Toby James, Co-Owner of Cat's Cove Communications 

Clarity Sessions

Clarity Sessions

Sometimes, you just need a clarity session. Sessions includes a two-hour sit down with Toby to discuss what’s going on within your business or organization. Toby will ask questions that will draw out answers to help bring you clarity to your issue or challenge. From there, you’ll walk away with an action plan (or peace of mind) on how to move forward with confidence.


Image by Giu Vicente
Whiteboard Session

Whiteboard Strategy Session

Got your markers? In this session, you’ll discuss business strategy and how to get clarity on bringing your ideas to life. Using a whiteboard, Toby will look at your projections and help you identify goals that will give you clarity and confidence to move forward. Seeing it all laid out on one space will give you a bird’s eye view of how you want to move forward. You’ll immediately see what concepts ignite you versus trying to move forward with the ‘should’s’. You’ll then tackle the next steps to bring those to life, and identify the team members responsible for pushing it out.




Got your markers? In this session, you’ll discuss business strategy and how to get clarity on bringing your ideas to life. Using a whiteboard, Toby will look at your projections and help you identify goals that will give you clarity and confidence to move forward. Seeing it all laid out on one space will give you a bird’s eye view of how you want to move forward. You’ll immediately see what concepts ignite you versus trying to move forward with the ‘should’s’. You’ll then tackle the next steps to bring those to life, and identify the team members responsible for pushing it out.


Image by Campaign Creators
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