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3 Steps to Increase Website Traffic

Improve your website’s search engine rankings by following these simple steps.

Write High Quality Content.

If you want people to visit your website, you need to write high quality content. You should also make sure that your content is easy to read and understand. This will help ensure that people stay on your site longer and spend more time there.

Things as simple as a typo or bad grammar can make your business seem less professional. It's the little details, right?

A great place to store all this high-quality content is in a blog. If you write a weekly or bi-weekly blog on topics related to your business, you can greatly increase the keyword-rich content on your website. This goes a long way to increase your Google search ranking for keywords in your niche.

We doubled our website traffic in 6 months just by doubling-down on our weekly blogs. We started writing about what people are searching for, rather than just writing about what we wanted.

Add Keywords to Title Tags and Meta Descriptions.

To improve your search engine rankings, add relevant keywords to title tags and meta descriptions. These are two of the first things Google looks at when determining how high a webpage will rank. Make sure these elements contain the words that people use to find what you sell.

blurred lanes of a highway showing long lines of traffic, text reads: "3 Steps to Increase Website Traffic"
Get more visitors to your site by improving your website’s SEO.

Rather than using cutesy, brand-specific names, call things what they are.

ie: You sell clothing and you're creating a product page for "The Charlotte Shirt."

Most people aren't going to Google "Charlotte Shirt." Think in the most simple terms, and consider whether anything you sell goes by different names.

ie: shirt, long-sleeved shirt, office shirt, blouse could all be used to describe the same thing).

Remember this for both your Title Tags as well as your Meta and product descriptions.

Click here to learn more about keywords and where to to use them.

Add Keywords to Your URL.

If you’re not using keywords in your URLs, you’re leaving money on the table. Adding keywords to your URLs will help you rank higher in search results. You should also make sure to use them in your titles and descriptions as well.

It's like playing a matching game. Have one or two keywords in your URL. Make sure they match one-two keywords in your Title Tag and your meta description. This makes it easy for Google to determine the content of the page, which will improve search ranking.

Bonus tip:

Leave dates out of your URLs. If your URL is /best-clothing-2022, when 2022 is over (which it almost is!) Google will no longer mark it as relevant. Your Google search ranking suffers.

Want to advertise on Google? Here are 5 things you should know.

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